In the formation of man soft cover book from the Montessori series, volume 3, written by Maria Montessori and published by Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company, Dr. Montessori talks about the psychology of the child during the first four years of life, about the formation of the intelligence of a human personality, how is it formed, by means of what processes and in obedience to what laws?
She considers the human personality and not a method of education. “Help given in order that the human personality may achieve its independence.”
She also considers the influence of the environment on the formation of the child, the unconscious mechanism of acquiring its culture and language, the building of its character and the role of the adult in the past and future. And discusses world illiteracy in relation to the alphabet and her method of teaching reading and writing.
1 soft cover book – 98 pages
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About Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company
Based in Laren, the Netherlands, the Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company publishes and distributes the books as well as the unpublished writings by Dr. Maria Montessori in English and Spanish.
The publishing house upholds, propagates and furthers the pedagogical principles and practices formulated by Maria Montessori for the full development of the human being. They also care for and maintain all the (publishing) rights and copyrights of the work and books of Maria Montessori and the Archives of Maria Montessori which are managed by the Association Montessori Internationale in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.