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Crafting Materials & Art Supplies

Getting creative with all kinds of arts and crafts has always been a favourite with adults and children alike. It helps to create confidence, patience, self-esteem, creativity and imagination.  It also helps an individual to express themselves.

When children use their fingers to play and manipulate creative materials they are not only exploring, they are also developing their fine motor skills.  The more they are able to develop these key skills, the more independent they can be. Activities like gluing, cutting, painting, knitting and weaving can really help with this.

We stock a large variety of Waldorf Steiner and Montessori natural art supplies and crafting materials to encourage creativity including toxin-free modelling clay, face paint, crayons, pencils, bio-certified felting wool, children’s sized gardening tools and paint supplies made with almost 100% natural ingredients plus seasonal craft kits, weaving, knitting wool, stamping, pressed flower art and paper supplies. Within our large range of art supplies, craft kits and crafting materials, you will find so many fun gifts children will love. Whether you are looking for gifts for a Montessori child, a Waldorf child or an artistic child, we can help!