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The Waldorf Steiner Pedagogy

Waldorf Steiner education encourages the development of the whole child and learning through the experience of regular daily tasks and activities. This balanced development of cognitive, creative and practical skills is often referred to as a head, heart, and hands approach.

Our natural and open-ended Waldorf resources leave plenty of room for your child’s imagination, appeal to all children’s senses and nurture creativity. We also have a range of high quality Waldorf handicraft supplies and art materials.

The collection includes handmade wooden Waldorf toys, fabric Waldorf dolls, fabric toys such as playsilks and play fabrics, books on Anthroposophy and Waldorf handicrafts and all natural creative materials made lovingly by hand in Germany, rural Spain, The Netherlands, USA, UK, Sweden, Denmark and Latvia by our beloved brands:

DebreskDroomdeurtjesFilgesFiliaFlockmenGlückskäferGrapatGrimm’sLyraMercuriusNanchen NaturSarah’s Silks, SecorellStockmarStudio WMO and Waldorf Family.

Unique and natural, our Waldorf eco-friendly wooden and soft fabric anthroposophic toys and range of craft materials help the child understand how to flow with nature!