Showing 1–9 of 677 results

Traditional Education

A fine selection of high-quality educational and creative materials, toys and games fitting traditional education and learning through playing. They are made with care and respect to the environment by our brands:

5 Little BearsAdventerra GamesArts & Crafts HeutinkEducoErziJegroKikkerlandLarsenRolfSafariSassi GentiliSINA SpielzeugSKÅGFÄThreewood, and Toys for Life

These traditional education high-quality materials, activities and puzzles support all areas of child development and playful learning. Developed by educational experts, our products cover all learning objectives of the preschool, kindergarten and primary school curriculum. They help children learn everything from motor skills, math and literacy skills to science such as studying life cycles and telling the time. The collection has been enriched with traditional wooden toys and games to develop problem-solving and high-quality art supplies.

Our learning materials and toys are meant to endure many years of robust usage in any type of prepared educational environment.